Builders and Required Params

Ever since Effective Java 2 came out, the builder pattern became a defacto standard for instantiating objects with multiple parameters.

NutritionFacts cocaCola = new NutritionFacts.Builder(240, 8)

Required parameters are usually passed in via a constructor, as in the example above, but having too many might defeat the purpose of a builder and spread confusion all around. Can you tell what the two arguments above denote?

A way to avoid this is to provide a no-params constructor:

NutritionFacts cocaCola = new NutritionFacts.Builder() // No required params

and validate the data whenever a build() method is invoked:

public NutritionFacts build() {
  if (servingSize <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("serving size required");
  if (servings <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("number of servings required");
  return new NutritionFacts(this);

The above works, but it would be nice to provide a fluid API where it is impossible to invoke build() before the required parameters are provided.

Let’s describe the builder with a simple interface:

interface Builder {
  Builder servingSize(int size);
  Builder servings(int servings);
  Builder calories(int calories);
  Builder fat(int fat);
  Builder sodium(int sodium);
  Builder carbohydrate(int carbohydrate);
  NutritionFacts build();

Recall the first two methods, servingSize(int) and servings(int) are required. Could we force the user to start the builder chain with them?

Suppose we declare two additional interfaces:

// Represents the first required param. Note the return type.
interface ServingSizeBuilder {
  ServingBuilder servingSize(int size);

// Again, note the return type.
interface ServingBuilder {
  Builder serving(int size);

Starting with a ServingSizeBuilder instance, you’re now forced to start the chain with the two required params and are unable to invoke build() before:

    // all other methods specified in a Builder.

We should remove the two required setters methods from the Builder interface, as they are described in the two we defined above. We end up with:

interface Builder {
  interface ServingSizeBuilder {
    ServingBuilder servingSize(int size);
  interface ServingBuilder {
    Builder serving(int size);
  // Note, no servingSize(int size) or serving(int size)
  Builder calories(int calories);
  Builder fat(int fat);
  Builder sodium(int sodium);
  Builder carbohydrate(int carbohydrate);
  NutritionFacts build();

This can be fully appreciated when implemented:

class NutritionFactsBuilder implements Builder,
        Builder.ServingSizeBuilder, Builder.ServingBuilder {
  private int servingSize = 0;
  private int servings = 0;
  private int calories = 0;
  private int fat = 0;
  private int carbohydrate = 0;
  private int sodium = 0;

  // To start the builder chain with required parameters,
  // we need to provide the following static factory method
  // returning ServingSizeBuilder.
  public static ServingSizeBuilder builder() {
    return new NutritionFactsBuilder();

  private NutritionFactsBuilder() {}

  @Override public ServingBuilder servingSize(int val) {
    servingSize = val;
    return this;

  @Override public Builder serving(int val) {
    servings = val;
    return this;

  @Override public Builder calories(int val) {
    calories = val;
    return this;

  @Override public Builder fat(int val) {
    fat = val;
    return this;

  @Override public Builder carbohydrate(int val) {
    carbohydrate = val;
    return this;

  @Override public Builder sodium(int val) {
    sodium = val;
    return this;

  @Override public NutritionFacts build() {
    return new NutritionFacts(this);

There it is! A builder where required params must be set before build() method can be invoked.